Sunday, March 01, 2009

An Opinionated Play-by-Play of the Plantinga-Dennett Exchange - The Prosblogion

An Opinionated Play-by-Play of the Plantinga-Dennett Exchange - The Prosblogion: "How important was such a meeting, and of what worth is discussion about it? Did Plantinga or Dennett take away anything new by way of argument or philosophy from the meeting? Probably not. Did anybody in the audience learn anything new by way of argument or philosophy? Maybe; perhaps some people there never heard some of Plantinga's arguments, and they learned something new.

So I'm not sure how important the meeting was from the standpoint of philosophy. But I'm interested in reading/hearing discussion about the meeting to get a better idea of how theism and atheism are perceived by the philosophical community. I'm curious to hear how atheists might have perceived what went on at the meeting."