Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ask Tom "how to get around Dbms_output limitation..."

Ask Tom "how to get around Dbms_output limitation...":

tkyte@ORA734.WORLD> create or replace package my_dbms_output
2 as
3 procedure put( s in varchar2 );
4 procedure put_line( s in varchar2 );
5 procedure new_line;
6 function get_line( n in number ) return varchar2;
7 pragma restrict_references( get_line, wnds, rnds );
8 function get_line_count return number;
9 pragma restrict_references( get_line_count, wnds, rnds, wnps );
10 pragma restrict_references( my_dbms_output, wnds, rnds, wnps, rnps );
11 end;
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