Saturday, December 19, 2009

Walking Randomly � The rise and rise of Python in computational science

Walking Randomly � The rise and rise of Python in computational science: "One of my plans for next year is to start giving short talks and tutorials about scientific Python to various groups around the University of Manchester. Ever since I attended EuroSciPy in Leipzig earlier this year I have been excited about the possibilities offered by Python for students, researchers and teachers. I genuinely believe that Python and SAGE will do for MATLAB and Mathematica users what R has done for users of SPSS and Stata. It’s the future…I’ve tasted it! Here are a few links to others who agree with me.

* Scientific Python tools use rising in education – a blog post from Fernando Perez
* A hands-on 2-day workshop at UC Berkeley – includes videotaped lectures
* Python for High Performance Computing (HPC)
* Should I switch to Python – Are you a MATLAB user considering the switch?
* Python in the Scientific World – From Guido van Rossum – Pythons benevolent dictator"