Monday, July 02, 2007
Macworld: Mac OS X Hints: Set newer portable Macs' sleep mode
Macworld: Mac OS X Hints: Set newer portable Macs' sleep mode: "There are some downsides to this, however. You’ll give up some hard drive space, for instance—an amount of space equal to your machine’s RAM, plus another 750MB. So on my MacBook, that’s 2.75GB of drive space, or just under 4 percent of my drive’s capacity. In addition, putting the machine into sleep mode takes notably longer. If you watch the video I created, there’s a delay of 10 or so seconds between the time the lid is closed and the power light goes from solid to its normal gentle blinking state. It’s during this time that the machine is writing the contents of RAM to the hard drive. As I noted, in theory nothing should go wrong if you decide to open the lid during this period (when you realize you forgot to print that one important document, for instance). However, there are quite a few stories of people doing just this, and winding up with a machine with a black screen, requiring a full restart to recover."