Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Non-Paradox of Choice - Jim Manzi - The Corner on National Review Online

The Non-Paradox of Choice - Jim Manzi - The Corner on National Review Online:

"Ultimately, the debate about choice is not about markets but about character. Liberty and responsibility really do go together; it's not just a platitude. The more freedom we have to control our lives, the more responsibility we have for how they turn out. In a world of constraints, learning to be happy with what you're given is a virtue. In a world of choices, virtue comes from learning to make commitments without regrets. And commitment, in turn, requires self-confidence and self-knowledge.

'We are free to be the authors of our lives,' says Schwartz, 'but we don't know exactly what kind of lives we want to 'write.'' Maturity lies in deciding just that."