Sunday, January 18, 2009

Omnivoracious: Ranking the Classics: Weeks Four and Five of the 60 in 60

Omnivoracious: Ranking the Classics: Weeks Four and Five of the 60 in 60: "Those Amazon readers who have followed my prior posts on the subject know that I've started in on what has been called by at least one friend 'foolish' and by another 'the endeavor of a madman': reading the 60 books in Penguin's Great Ideas series, one a day, and writing about each on my personal blog. Penguin's own blog questioned my sanity. Yet, I have persevered to the end of the fifth week, and my 60 in 60 audacity has been rewarded by attention from, among others, the Guardian (as book site of the week) and the Harvard University Press, which urged its readers to emulate my craziness. Still, I have made one change for my own peace of mind: between each set of 20, I get three days off to recuperate."