Monday, December 22, 2008

Recipe - Egg Nog

Recipe - Eggnog
* 4 (6) eggs
* 1/3 cup (1 cup) plus 1 tsp (1 Tbsp) sugar
* 1 tsp vanilla
* 1 tsp ground nutmeg
* 3 oz bourbon or brandy (3/4 cup brandy + 1/3 cup dark rum)
* 1 cup (2 cups) whipping cream
* 2 cups milk

Separate eggs. Beat yolks 2-3 min until light. Add sugar and beat until creamy. Stir in everything but egg whites. Beat egg whites to soft peaks, add sugar, beat to stiff peaks. Stir in egg whites. Bourbon can be reserved. For bodacious rich eggnog, use measures in parentheses.