Friday, October 27, 2006
830! How a carpenter got the highest Scrabble score ever. - By Stefan Fatsis - Slate Magazine
830! How a carpenter got the highest Scrabble score ever. - By Stefan Fatsis - Slate Magazine: "On Oct. 12, in the basement of a Unitarian church on the town green in Lexington, Mass., a carpenter named Michael Cresta scored 830 points in a game of Scrabble. His opponent, Wayne Yorra, who works at a supermarket deli counter, totaled 490 points. The two men set three records for sanctioned Scrabble in North America: the most points in a game by one player (830), the most total points in a game (1,320), and the most points on a single turn (365, for Cresta's play of QUIXOTRY)."